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Hollis Thompson

发布时间: 2018-10-16 17:34选秀
Specializing in drafts with top players on the NBA horizon, player profiles, scouting reports, rankings and prospective international recruits....

NBA Comparison: James Jones/Dorell Wright

Strengths: A wing with solid physical tools at 6’8 205, and a long build … Standout trait is definitely his jump shot, and never shot below 40% from long range during his time at Georgetown … Projects to be a long-range specialist, and has the mechanics, quick release and size to be able to get his shot off, even against NBA sized wings … Already has NBA range, and an “easy”, natural shot that allows him to hit shots spotting up, off screening action, and off simple 2 dribble pull-ups against hard closeouts … Doesn’t miss very often when he has time and space … Also a pretty good athlete, who covers a lot of ground when running, and who shows nice leaping skills when he has a head of steam … Pretty smooth and fluid … Can finish above the rim, and has the length and leaping skills to convert in traffic, sometimes in impressive fashion …Will occasionally get free on a down screen and get high percentage finish around the rim … Runs the floor pretty well … Plays high percentage basketball, rarely goes out of his comfort zone and role on either end of the floor … Has no problems passing the ball in the flow of the offense … Uses his length to bother jump shooters, and isn’t a bad shot-blocker for a wing … Doesn’t make plays that leave teammates vulnerable on the defensive end, rarely gambles … Has adequate tools to defend the SF spot in the NBA … A solid rebounding wing, who has some instincts after playing PF his first 2 seasons in the Big East ...

Weaknesses: Although he has a niche to hang his hat on with his jumper, he doesn’t offer very much outside of that, making him a pretty one-dimensional prospect … Isnt particularly quick or more than mediocre as a ball-handler, being nothing more than a very sporadic creator for himself … Rarely gets to the rim, usually only does when he catches his man being a step slow on getting through a down-screen … Not very strong, and is pretty thin … Doesn’t seem to be the toughest or most contact-loving player, and can be outmuscled by physical matchups … Not likely to be a high motor player … Not going to get to the foul often, and isn’t the foul line shooter that you’d expect from a player with his shooting reputation to be (67% from the stripe last season) … Doesn’t have more than average impact defensively, preferring a more conservative approach … Disappears from games at times, is a bit passive … Doesn’t make as much of a use of his athleticism and physical tools as he should … Might have declared for the draft too early, and has quite a bit of chinks in his armor that could’ve shored up a bit more if he'd stayed in school for his senior season ...

Overall: Thompson’s ability to stretch the D with his jumper will earn him some looks … He has the size and shooting skills that make him intriguing, and he isn’t a bad athlete either … He needs more strength to maximize his athleticism and to better compete against NBA athletes on both ends though … Plays within himself and has a nice feel for the action …

Jorrye Nixon 6/8/12

YouTube Clip – 6/2/2008